Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard for Heat

The combination of climate change and the urban heat island (UHI) effect is increasing the number of dangerously hot days and the need for all communities to plan for urban heat resilience equitably. Urban heat resilience requires an integrated planning approach that coordinates strategies across community plans and uses the best available heat risk information to prioritize heat mitigation strategies for the most vulnerable communities. The Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ (PIRS™) for Heat is an approach communities can use to analyze how heat mitigation policies are integrated into different plans and identify opportunities better to target heat mitigation policies in high heat risk areas.
The PIRS™ for Heat was developed as an extension of the original Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™, a methodology, originally developed by Berke et al. (2015) and then further advanced and translated to planning practice by Malecha et al. (2019), for spatially evaluating networks of plans to reduce vulnerability to hazards. With support from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Program Office's Climate Adaptation Partnerships and Extreme Heat Risk Initiative and in partnership with the American Planning Association, PIRS™ for Heat was piloted in five geographically diverse U.S. communities, including Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Seattle, WA, and Houston, TX.
This guidebook explains the rationale for the PIRS™ for Heat, provides a step-by-step guide for any practitioner or researcher interested in applying the methodology, includes a detailed and ready-to-go worksheet, and summarizes key plan integration findings from five communities across the U.S. There is also an accompanying individual case study report with the PIRS™ for Heat results for Kent, WA.
This guidebook is available free to all. This project was supported by financial assistance provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Adaptation Partnerships and Extreme Heat Risk Initiative.
Table of Contents
The importance of planning for increasing heat risks
A framework for urban heat resilience planning
Integrating heat mitigation across the network of plans
Advancing urban heat resilience with PIRS™ for Heat
PIRS™ for Heat Methodology
Phase 1. Creating the Scorecard
Phase 2. Analyzing Scorecard Results
Phase 3. Advancing Resilience
PIRS™ for Heat Pilot Cities
Fort Lauderdale