Inclusive Healthy Places Action Guide for Planners
By David Morley, AICP

Gehl's Inclusive Healthy Places (IHP) Framework presents a system of principles, drivers, and indicators to help built environment practitioners, public health professionals, local leaders, and engaged community members advance inclusivity and health equity through public-space-shaping efforts. American Planning Association research staff developed this action guide to explore how planners could apply the framework in the communities they serve.
This guide serves as an adaptation and extension of the IHP Framework, focusing on actions planners can take to advance inclusion and health equity in efforts to shape public space. Its structure mirrors that of the IHP Framework, stepping through each principle, driver, and indicator in the same sequence as the framework.
Planners can use this action guide to operationalize the Inclusive Healthy Places Framework through research and analysis, engagement and collaboration, plan and policy making, program design and implementation, and project support. See the supplemental workbook for a searchable, sortable itemization of all actions.
This guidebook is available free to all. This project was supported by financial assistance provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
About the Author
David Morley, AICP
David Morley, AICP, is a Research Program Manager at the American Planning Association in Chicago, where he manages and contributes to sponsored research projects; manages the development of the Research KnowledgeBase; develops, organizes, and participates in educational sessions and workshops; and writes for APA publications. Mr. Morley also edits Zoning Practice.
Table of Contents
Understand Community Context
Characteristcs of People Present
Community Health Context
Predictors of Exclusion
Community Assets
Support Inclusion in Process
Civic Trust
Social Capital
Design and Program Public Space for Health Equity
Quality of Public Space
Use and Users
Safety and Security
Foster Social Resilience
Ongoing Representation
Community Stability
Collective Efficacy
Ongoing Investment in Space
Preparedness for Change