Battery Energy Storage Systems
Zoning Practice — March 2024
By Brian Ross, AICP, Monika Vadali

This issue is available free to all from Solar@Scale, a partnership between the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the American Planning Association (APA) that aims to help cities, towns, counties, and special districts understand and realize the potential benefits of large-scale solar development. For additional information about Solar@Scale visit
The electric energy system in our country is undergoing dramatic changes, with new technologies and infrastructural investment occurring at a speed and scale unprecedented in our nation’s history. One manifestation of those changes is the introduction of new land uses into our communities, land uses whose risks, conflicts, and synergies with existing land uses are uncertain or unknown by the host communities.
One such example is the rapid increase in use of battery energy storage systems (BESS) and related technologies. Grid-connected BESS regularly take the form of one or more shipping containers with ventilation equipment on the outside and row upon row of batteries and control systems secured inside. These systems are being deployed as part of utility substations and transmission systems and as part of solar and wind electric generation projects. Depending on state enabling legislation, some BESS will be exempt from local zoning, such as when BESS is part of renewable energy or transmission projects that are exempt. However, BESS have potential applications across the rural-to-urban transect, and most communities will need to address BESS in some form.
This issue of Zoning Practice explores how stationary battery storage fits into local land-use plans and zoning regulations. It briefly summarizes the market forces and land-use issues associated with BESS development, analyzes existing regulations for these systems, and offers guidance for new regulations rooted in sound planning principles.
About the Authors
Brian Ross, AICP
Brian Ross, AICP, is a Vice President at the Great Plains Institute. He leads GPI’s renewable energy market transformation efforts in the Midwest and nationally. For over 30 years he has worked with local, regional, and state governments on climate and energy planning, renewable energy policy and land use and natural resource regulation. Brian currently leads efforts at the state and national level to integrate renewable energy and community co-benefits to meet host community land use priorities and train planners and activitsts on dual-land-use solar, including ecovoltaics and agrivoltaics. He recently published land use best practice guidance on battery energy storage systems (BESS), an emerging new clean energy land use, and helps guide the national "Energy Ready" portfolio of local government certification programs, SolSmart, ChargingSmart, and Distributed Wind Smart.
Monika Vadali