Planning Magazine Summer 2024

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The Summer issue tracks planning trailblazers: the nation’s first car-free development, Florida’s first dark sky community, and the new Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook. Learn how one planner’s focus on happiness is shifting perspectives, how road diets are saving lives, and what citizen planners and conflict management skills can do for you and your community.
Table of Contents
Arizona’s Antidote to Car-centric Sprawl
Long-term planning paved the way for Culdesac, a bold experiment in people-focused development that puts density, transit access, and walkability first.
To Save Pedestrian Lives, Put Your Roads on a Diet
A new study says that shrinking lane widths may curb fatalities while saving money, promoting walking and biking, and mitigating the effects of urban heat islands.
The Marvelous World of City-building Games
Planners harness video game tech to imagine possibilities and test ideas that could impact communities in real life.
Climate Resilience: Florida’s first Dark Sky Community
Economic Development: Saving rural grocers
People Behind The Plans: Happiness expert Megan Oliver, AICP
Et Cetera: Concrete Utopia
The Profession: 5 tips for managing conflict in meetings
Tech Tools: Digital twins
Community Engagement: Citizen planning academies
Perspectives: Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook
Community Green: San Geronimo Commons, Marin County, California