Managing Development Along Freight Rail Corridors
Zoning Practice — January 2025
By Abdul Jaffari, AICP

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Railways have played an instrumental role in the development pattern and expansion of communities throughout North America. With increasing volumes and types of goods being transported via freight railways, the continent has increased awareness of the potential risk of accidents and the physical impacts of train derailments. Despite this, current land use planning and zoning regulations often fail to consistently address development near freight rail corridors or adequately consider the needs of freight transport.
Local governments are primarily responsible for land use planning and must understand the context and risk of developing near freight rail corridors when planning. Land use planners, elected officials, developers, landowners, and the public must also recognize the importance of freight in the local, regional, national, and global economy to ensure safe development near rail lines. A risk-based land use planning approach allows freight rail corridors and development to coexist safely and effectively, enabling local governments to balance safety, quality of life, and growth while meeting development goals.
This issue of Zoning Practice examines the key principles of a risk-based approach to managing development on lands adjacent to freight rail corridors. It begins with brief descriptions of existing guidance and policy approaches for land use planning around railway corridors before focusing on Calgary, Alberta's risk-based approach. The issue concludes with practical guidance for jurisdictions considering a similar effort.
About the Author
Abdul Jaffari, AICP