Community Indicators
PAS Report 517
By Rhonda Phillips, FAICP

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Community indicators help planners evaluate and monitor the full range of factors — social, environmental, economic, and more — that affect the well-being of a community or region.
This report reviews the use of indicators in planning practice and explores their relationship to citizen participation, quality of life, and sustainability. It summarizes the types and scale of indicators and describes how to identify, select, and develop indicators that are appropriate for a particular community. Rural and urban examples show how planners have used indicators in their practice. Includes an annotated list of resources and web links.
Product Details
Table of Contents
Underlying Philosophy and Evolution
The Context for Indicators Projects
Citizen Participation and Community Indicators
Types and Scales of Community Indicators
Criteria for Selecting Successful Indicators
Implications fo Planning
Identifying and Selecting Indicators for Community Development: Case Studies
Some Final Thoughts
Tools and Resources
Appendix A. List of References