PAS Report 525
By Jennifer Evans-Cowley, FAICP, Maria Conroy

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This report is available free to all because it has been superseded by a more recent edition.
Planners seeking to provide more efficient and cost-effective ways to provide public service will find E-Government a useful guide to how many cities are using the Internet to achieve that goal.
The report examines the range of citizen participation tools and products used by cities and, in particular, planning departments to streamline tasks (e.g., permitting), to provide in-depth information on plans, projects, and visioning exercises, and to make sites accessible to persons with developmental disabilities, as is required by the American with Disabilities Act.
Product Details
Table of Contents
1. What is E-Governance?
2. Types of electronic communication tools and products
3. Steps for creating on-line citizen participation tools
4. Special considerations for developing on-line citizen participation tools
5. Case Studies: Berkeley, California; Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana; Raleigh, North Carolina
6. Conclusions
Appendix: List of References