Planning Active Communities
PAS Report 543/544
By Marya Morris, FAICP

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Medical professionals have spent years telling overweight Americans to eat right and exercise, but obesity rates are still climbing. This may be in part because, as we've become more efficient in how we work, eat, and get around, we have engineered physical activity out of our daily routines.
This report looks at how planning processes, development regulations, and community participation can be used to ensure that development patterns facilitate everyday physical activity. Includes information about safe routes to school programs and accessible schools, along with case studies of planning active communities in Denver, San Diego, Portland, Nashville, Minneapolis, and more.
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Table of Contents
A New Alliance: Planners and Public Health Advocates
Defining Physical Activity and Active Living: Framing the Issue
Reconnecting With Our Roots: A Critical History of American Planning and Public Health for the Twenty-First Century
Five Strategic Points of Intervention and Collaboration Between Planning and Public Health
The ABCs of Creating and Preserving Accessible Community Schools
Local and State Examples of Planning and Designing Active Communities