Planning and Broadband: Infrastructure, Policy, and Sustainability
PAS Report 569
By Kathleen McMahon, FAICP, Ronald Thomas, FAICP, Charles Kaylor

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Modeling smart growth. Tracking climate conditions. Building the local economy. All rely on a backbone of broadband infrastructure. Yet few communities plan for this critical component of a sustainable future.
In the digital age, local planners must make broadband infrastructure as commonplace as water, sewerage, and power systems, this report argues. Giving concrete examples, it shows how high-speed broadband can help communities reduce auto dependence, promote job creation, pursue smart growth, and spark civic participation. With broadband infrastructure, communities also gain access to new technologies that can save electricity, manage natural resources, and respond to climate change.
This forward-looking guide offers best practices and case studies from cities and towns across the country successfully planning for broadband. Local planners will find practical ideas for closing the digital divide in their own backyards and using broadband to foster vibrant, sustainable communities.