Sustainable Urban Industrial Development
PAS Report 577
By Nancey Leigh, FAICP, Nathanael Hoelzel, Benjamin Kraft, Christopher Dempwolf

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For many communities, promoting job creation is job one. How can city planners stoke the employment engine of industry while keeping their communities green and clean?
Sustainable Urban Industrial Development makes the case for local industrial policies geared to the needs of cities and suburbs. Authors Leigh, Hoelzel, Kraft, and Dempwolf set forth strategies for selecting sites where people who need the work can get to the jobs. The report covers best practices for job training, industrial incubators, and support for entrepreneurs, including women and minorities. Economic development planners will learn how they can expect manufacturing to affect local tax revenues and the cost of city services. And city planners will find fresh ways of thinking about brownfields and the place of industry in smart growth.
Case studies show how innovation and inspiration have paid off for large cities and smaller urban areas across the United States. Readers will come away with a better understanding of the planner’s role in putting industrial development to work.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Characterizing Twenty-First Century Industry
A Note on the Geographic Scope
Motivation and Conceptual Framework
Chapter 2: Analyzing Local Conditions
Industrial Land Inventory
Surveys, Focus Groups, and Workshops
Real Estate Market Analyses
Fiscal Impact Analyses
Economic Impact Analyses
Industrial Market Analyses and Supply Chain Analyses
Chapter 3: Moving From Analysis to Planning: Establishing an Industrial Strategy
Land-Use Controls for Industrial Land-Use Preservation
Emphasizing Industrial Land Preservation in Area Planning
Using National Resources and Aligning with Federal Manufacturing Policy
Chapter 4: Strategies and Tools for Industrial Redevelopment
Design and Siting Strategies for Industrial Land and Buildings
Business Improvement Districts
An Opportunity for Equitable Economic Development
Chapter 5: Resources and Partnerships for a Holistic Industrial Strategy
Fostering Industrial Entrepreneurship
Industrial Business Retention and Expansion
Education and Workforce Development
Industry and the "Green" Economy
Industrial Support and Collaboration
Resources and Planning
Chapter 6: Case Studies of Sustainable Industrial Urban Development
San Jose, California
Menomonee Valley, Milwaukee
Case Study Summary
Chapter 7: Conclusion