Crossroads, Hamlet, Village, Town: Design Characteristics of Traditional Neighborhoods, Old and New
PAS Report 487/488
By Randall Arendt

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This PAS report is available free to all because it has been superseded by a more recent edition.
Crossroads, Hamlet, Village, Town breaks new ground by offering specific design guidance to planners, developers, and others involved in laying out, regulating, and reviewing proposals for traditional neighborhoods — new villages, hamlets, and subdivisions that are an exciting, greener subset of conservation design.
This report addresses the details of residential site design and the use of open space, parks, squares, greenways, and greenbelts in such neighborhoods, filling in the niche between the existing literature on macro-scale concerns (e.g., zoning) and that on micro-scale concerns (e.g., window placement) in such development.
Extensively illustrated and providing detailed guidelines, the report offers developers and planners ideas for new villages, hamlets, and subdivisions that can be seen as an exciting, greener subset of "conservation design."
Product Details
Table of Contents
Part 1. Historical Overview
The Myth of the Colonial New England
The Rise of the Grid
The Tide Turns: Romanticism and the Rural Ideal
The Anglo-American Suburb
Part 2. Illustrated Design Principles
Context and Edge
Internal Design Issues
Part 3. Model Village Design Ordinance
Model Zoning Provisions for Village Development
Model Subdivision Ordinance Provisions for Village Development
Appendix A. List of References
Appendix B. Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Community Design Workshop
Appendix C. An Example of Applying Density Factors